- Issue 2: ZXS48k-Issue2-sch.gif
- Issue 3: ZXS48k-Issue3-sch.gif
- Issue 3b: ZXS48k-Issue3b-sch.gif
- Issue 4a & 4b: ZXS48k-Issue4ab-sch.gif
- Issue 5: ZXS48k-Issue5-sch.gif
- Issue 6a: ZXS48k-Issue6a-sch.gif
- Toastrack: ZXS128k-sch.png
- Toastrack, analogue part: ZXS128k-sch-analogue.png
- Inves: Inves128k-sch.png
- Inves, analogue part: Inves128k-sch-analogue.png
- Plus 2: ZXS128k-Plus2-sch.png
- Plus 2, power circuit: ZXS128k-Plus2-sch-power.png
- Plus 2A / Plus 3: ZXS128k-Plus3-sch.png
- Plus 3, rear connectors: ZXS128k-Plus3-connectors.png
- Plus 2B: ZXS128k-Plus2B-sch.png
- Plus 3B: ZXS128k-Plus3B-sch.png
- Gama '88: didaktik-gama88.png
- Gama '89: didaktik-gama89.png
- Gama '89 by clock, corrected by me: didaktik-gama89-clock.png, didaktik-gama89-clock-geda.tar.gz
- M '90: schematic, SprintLayout6 drawing, PCB top, PCB bottom, PCB x-ray (by breki_j)
- M '91: schematic
- M '92: schematic, SprintLayout6 drawing (viewer for Win), PCB top, PCB bottom, PCB x-ray
- Kompakt v1.5: schematic, EQN for GAL chips (IC7, IC8, IC9), JED for GAL chips (IC7, IC8, IC9)
- Kompakt v1.5: SprintLayout6 drawing, PCB top, PCB bottom, PCB x-ray (by breki_j)
- Kompakt v2.3: schematic, SprintLayout6 drawing, PCB top, PCB bottom, PCB x-ray
- M '90 keyboard: SprintLayout6 drawing, PCB top, PCB bottom, PCB x-ray (by breki_j)
- M '91 keyboard: SprintLayout6 drawing, PCB top, PCB bottom, PCB x-ray (by breki_j)
- M '92, M '93, Kompakt keyboard: SprintLayout6 drawing, PCB top, PCB botom, PCB x-ray (by breki_j)
- D40: schematic, cable (by RomBor)
- D80: schematic, PCB layout, cable (all by Tomeco)
- Melodik: schematic
- go to it's own supbage: MB-02+
- simple AY interface: ay-interface.png
- simple AY interface, for D40/D80/Kompakt (A5 collision solved, works with any 48k computer): ay-if-kompakt.png
- ACB stereo for grey +2, gold slice principle: acb-gold-slice.png
- SRAM expansion (MB-02+ compatible): SRAM-expansion.png, SRAM-expansion-GAL.png, GAL content
- PS2 interface (JROK's YAZSAKI modification): zxs-ps2-if.zip
- Mistrum (czech ZXS clone) schematic diagram: Mistrum.png, .sch file for EagleCAD
- Didaktik Gama 192k: didaktik-gama-192k-1b.zip, didaktik-gama-192k-1c.zip, didaktik-gama-192k-serial-dump.zip
- RGB out for Didaktik M: didaktik-m-rgb-module.zip
- Didaktik Gama 89 corrections: didaktik-gama-89-rsc.zip
- FDC interface for ZXS Plus 2A: plus2a-fdc-if.zip
- Plus D clone: schematic, resources
- Proface / Keyface: internal (BOM), external (BOM), PIC source, manual (sk), photo.
- 128k memory expansion for ZX Spectrum and Didaktik Gama: description and files
- 128k memory expansion for Didaktik Kompakt and M: description and files
- Umbrella modification (unrainer for 128k, hack for 48k): description and files
- Memory & bank map: description and files
Note: Since I've run out of patience with people who have built their business on freely available community projects, all materials created by me, which are usable for the production of any products, are now subject to an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license. It means that everything created by me is still freely available, anyone can remix, adapt, and build upon my work, but strictly non-commercially, as long as they credit me and license their new creations under the identical terms. If you bought something you can make by yourself from my materials for a third of the price, you've probably became a victim to a rogue trader.